EcoPellets Tasmania began manufacturing wood pellets in 2019 after seeing the amount of timber waste being produced from plantation timber in Tasmania.

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What Are The Best Horse Bedding Pellets?

candice By candice 2022-12-08

The best horse bedding pellets are absorbent and comfortable for your animal. From pine pellets to hardwood pellets, you’ll find that litter pellets are smarter than wood shavings and other materials. Learn more about equine bedding pellets to keep your equine friend comfortable.

What are horse bedding pellets?

Equine bedding pellets are the natural solution for your stable and habitat. They are designed to absorb moisture and prevent odors in horse roosts and barns. Bedding pellets are made from compressed wood fibers. Ecopellets Equine Bedding is made of 100% natural fibers without chemical additives.

What to look for in a horse bed?

When looking for the best horse pad, there are a few things to keep in mind. In addition to being safe for the horse, horse bedding should:
  • Ready to use and easy to access
  • Water absorption
  • Comfortable for animals
  • Compostable
  • Easy handling and storage
  • Low dust
  • Cost-effectiveness
Keeping the above criteria in mind when looking for horse pads will help you find the best material.

Why Choose Horse Bedding Granules?

Wood pellets help you maintain a healthy, clean habitat for your horses and animals. You may choose wood pellets as your underlayment for a number of different reasons. These reasons include:

  • 100% Natural and chemical free
  • Low moisture content and extra water absorption
  • Biodegradable and compostable
  • Clean and easy to use
  • Low dust
  • Cost-effectiveness

With so many reasons to choose wood pellets over other kinds of bedding for your barn or habitat, it’s easy to see why pellets are the right choice. Are you ready to fill your horse habitat with the best equine bedding pellets? Find out more about the benefits of wood pellets or call +61 (3) 6380 0055 to place your order today.