Wood pellets are commonly used as livestock bedding or as fuel for pellet heaters. They are a by-product of the timber industry and today many people are using them as inexpensive biodegradable cat litter.
Specialty cat breeder Sarah Murray shares her way of using wood pellets for cat litter:
“If you have inside cats and are looking for an easy way to clean up, put your litterbox into a large black plastic trash bag and then put the pellets in the box. Use a covered litterbox and let the cats have at it. After few days, you can turn the bag inside out and this traps the litter in the bag. And then discard the litter. Remember do not flush it, just throw them in the trash and compost it.”
Wood pellets will absorb feline urine and expand , so keep in mind do not overfill the litter box. Baking soda on the wood pellets can also reduce odours. There are many shelters using wood pellets for cat litter; maybe you could have a try as well!