EcoPellets Tasmania began manufacturing wood pellets in 2019 after seeing the amount of timber waste being produced from plantation timber in Tasmania.

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The Best Time To Start Using Wood Pellets

candice By candice 2022-10-15

There are many reasons why wood pellets are gaining popularity, many of which are related to the environment, and you might consider changing your heating system from traditional oil, gas, and electricity to biomass or wood pellet fuel.


  • The price of our wood pellets has actually dropped over the past few years.
  • When wood comes from sustainably managed forests, like all our wood pellet fuel, trees are never removed faster than new growth can replace them. This provides a better option than burning irreplaceable fossil fuels, which cause more damage and pollution to the environment.
  • The carbon dioxide emitted by the burning of wood pellets is offset by the amount of oxygen produced by the tree throughout its life cycle.
  • This results in no net release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, known as carbon neutrality.
  • This could be a fantastic step forward in a household or organization’s efforts to cut costs and reduce the environmental impact of its operations. This is often a quick win when trying to reduce carbon emissions to meet new legislation or initiatives that people create themselves.
  • Wood pellet boilers have become more advanced in recent years, and now is the perfect time to buy one. Fuel pellet boilers are now no more difficult to maintain than oil burners, with automatic control and programmable features.
  • They’re also prettier, as product designers are starting to spot gaps in the market for those who still want their home to look modern but are also committed to environmental impact.
  • While fossil fuel prices fluctuate amid economic and political uncertainty, wood pellet fuel comes from Australia’s native Tasmania.
  • Transporting fuel is easy thanks to the individually packaged 15kg bags, and thanks to its low moisture content, premium wood pellet fuel has a high energy value, allowing you to get more calories!